Tuesday 8 April 2014

News - Related news stories

I have been looking into a few related news stories that genuinely terrifies me, that are linked to some of my ideas for my music video characters Claudia and Quentin. I thought it would be important to look into news stories surrounding the real life aspects of satanism and witchcraft, and if Claudia was found to be torturing Quentin in the name of Satan what would happen to her.
These are are few news stories i have found that shock and scare me:

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2580388/EXCLUSIVE-Babies-abused-laying-Pentagram-Satanic-writings-church-walls-devouring-cats-blood-The-twisted-confessions-pedophile-church-pastor-Louisiana-inspired-True-Detective.html - this story was what they based the new "True Detective" series around, i have just started watching it, so i will keep my blog and my inspiration updated by reviewing my ideas.

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2564896/Sexually-abused-age-four-uncle-sex-Satanist-twice-age-drugs-spells-mental-institution-The-making-warped-mind-teenage-girl-killer-claimed-murdered-22.html - When i first read about this article i hadn't heard about the child abuse or the satanic rituals, and now i view the crime very differently, although yes, it was a horrible crimes she committed, you have to think was it all down to the sexual abuse as a child the age of four, and being introduced to satanism so young, this is a very disturbed girl.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-25105067  - This story and short document is a little different to the others, but i still found it  interesting toward my research into my character development. I found it shocking how these rituals are part of everyday life in mexico, the fact that there are more trained exorcists in mexico, than anywhere else in the world, how in England we would just laugh and think it is all rubbish, but these people truly believe they have been possessed by the devil and that he is making them kill people, one man from this documentary talks about how as part of the drug war this gang member cut people up into small pieces whilst they were still alive, and enjoyed it, but instead of going to a mental asylum, he was exorcised. It is very interesting and shocking to see how different cultures deal with religion,witchcraft and satanism.

http://www.theguardian.com/world/2002/feb/01/uk.johnhooper - this story reminds me of Claudia and Quentin the most, as it is a couple performing a ritualistic satanic killing. Although now i have changed my character bases in the way that Claudia is abusing,exorcising and torturing Quentin and that he is trapped.

All of these stories and many more that i have found are very disturbing, but if you are creating a fake story line which is reenacting a story which is based around the same subject i think it is important to learn about the people that these topics have brutally affected in real life otherwise it would be immoral and unprincipled.

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