Tuesday 8 April 2014

Art Inspiration

I have created a mood board filled with paintings and art that has inspired me, i love that in most of the paintings contain one mysterious girl and that her eyes are covered with different things in different ways, it seems to be a re occurring thing the eyes being covered or not "normal" in one way or another.

I have also been reading the graphic novel of "Caroline",watched the film and i have read the normal book as well, i am feeling greatly inspired by the writings of Neil Gaiman in this story and i have decided to use part of this book in my final creations. I have decided i am going to use buttons over the eyes of Claudia and Quentin, in the video Claudia will always have these black buttons for eyes as they will represent that she never goes outside into the real world and her eyes have never been open to anything else except horror, during the video, whilst she is torturing Quentin in a ritualistic and Satan way, she will sew buttons into his eyes,  so he cant look at another women or stray from her "love" or her home ever again.

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