Sunday 20 April 2014

High Gate Cemetery

As research i decided i would visit the famous High gate Cemetery in London. After i looking into it in the last project because of Dickens daughter being buried there after dieing of scarlet fever when she was very young. I drove up, when i arrived i was blown away by the inspiration it give it in more ways than i thought it would. The Gothic architecture was amazing, from the the sheer intricacy and detail to the massive building and statues built for a loved one.

After being lead on a tour around the cemetery by a guide i learnt so much about the people buried there, why and how they lived. It was a brilliant first hand source of inspiration and i wish i could have taken my final images there but i am afraid your not aloud any professional photography there anymore. After they opened it for some hammer horror filming in the 70's, there became rumored that there was a vampire buried there, and people would break in in the 80's to "Slay" the vampire and lots of damage was done to the surrounding graves and area. So they no longer allow any publicity.

These images speak for themselves with the Gothic architecture and landscapes:

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