Thursday 24 April 2014

Make-up Design ideas and Fashion Styling Ideas

Within my research I started looking into witchcraft on the catwalks and within high fashion. I have found some really inspiring images which make me think about my make-up designs even more for Claudia. I love the idea of bleach white skin, completely deathly pale as she never leaves the house she would never get any vitamin D so she would be deathly white. I have also been thinking about shading and contouring over the face, very strong contouring under the cheek bones to create a frail thin look, my model Kellie, is already thin but this will add a gaunt look to her very beautiful face. I am using a very dark purple/almost black Revlon lipstick, I am then using Sleek’s natural eye palate on the eyes. I will be using the black, and will be creating almost a mask flowing from the scalp each sides of the temple flowing over the eyes and the nose, to look like she dunked her hand into a bucket of paint and in her possessed state smothered it across her eyes to symbolize how evil she is, how she is no longer a little girl, she is a dark witch.

For the styling I have made a button necklace for her to wear around her collar of her white shirt, I am dressing Claudia and Quentin in pure white short sleeved shirts, with their top button done up, Quentin’s is a plain man’s shirt but Claudia’s is a more girly versions with detailing. The white shirts add parts of up to date fashion to the look, doing your shirt top button up, represents a good person at school when you’re a child, but in the adult world it is seen as very “stylish” to do so. 

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