Monday 3 February 2014

Shape,Colour and Texture

Colour, Shape and Texture
When you see an image, the first things that run through your mind should be three words, colour, shape and texture, in our lesson Yvonne had created a slideshow related to Miss Havisham, which showed images containing colour, shape and texture.
It began with Damien Hurst’s Famous ‘The physical impossibility of death in the mind of something living’
I began to form an image of my own person Miss Havisham in my mind; I was inspired by images ranging from scarification to bridal gowns. Miss Havisham would be someone frozen in time, like the rats which froze on the street in America a few months ago.

Here are some images from my Pinterest Miss Havisham mood board which represent the colour pallet I would consider using, the shape and the colour:


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