Monday 3 February 2014

Miss Havisham - Flickering Madness

Whilst I was wondering into my local Chinese take away, just looking around I noticed this big, beautiful, grand ( a little over the top for a Chinese takeaway) chandelier, as I looked closer one bulb within the mass of glistening bulbs, had began to flicker and slowly fade. 

The more I looked at this chandelier,the more it reminded and inspired me of Miss Havisham, how she was once a grand beautiful woman and now one by one her bulbs where flickering and slowly fading. So by the time Pip goes to her, all her bulbs had gone out and she had become a exhausted and deranged woman. 

This began to make me think about my designs for Miss H, starting with something beautiful and pulling at it until it becomes worn out and eccentric. Was she trying to make herself beautiful everyday just incase her came back for her? 

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