Thursday 6 March 2014

Miss Havisham - Timed assessment 1

So it came to my final timed assessment and I created my final miss Havisham using hair and makeup. 
My miss H has blotchy skin from illness and no sunlight from being in the house all the time and not washing, her skin is peeling away in places around her face from illness and her scratching at her own face. She throws herself down the stairs regularly and has broken her nose because of it has two black eyes, and red blood shot watering eyes, thick out of control eyebrows and chapped blue lips. 
She is rotting away trapped in her room in he dress with disgusting illnesses. I feel like she is my perfect creation I am so happy with the final outcome. I am looking forward to creating her again and testing my continuity skills when it comes to re creating her down to the final details.
She truly is horrible. 

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