Wednesday 5 March 2014

Final Face Chart - Miss Havisham

So now I have created my final face chart of Miss H. The over all look is of a very damaged and ill victorian woman, It displays the sheer hideousness and true reality of what a woman in her state in this era would truly look like. 

I have started with blotchy skin using a bruise wheel to create a ill blotchy red tones throughout the face, hands,neck and chest. 
I then thickened and filled in the eyebrows. 
I created two black eyes using the bruise wheel
Then I used spiecal effect makeup to creat a broken nose using wax to make a cut and then to create flakey skin around the wound and eyes. 
Chapped skin around various places on the face using liquid latex and chapped lips. 
Then to finish it off I used a year stick to burn the eyes slightly to make them look blood shot and watery. 

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