Wednesday 19 March 2014

250 Word Project Evaluation.

Throughout this Victorian inspired project I have learnt amazing things and discovered some hidden facts about the Victorians. The culture and attitude around makeup in the Victorian times was a very odd one, where men were in charge of whether women could wear makeup. But to conclude the project over all I am unbelievable happy with the many outcomes it has brought. Starting with my first Miss Havisham assessment. Although I was very nervous it went practically perfect, I managed to finish my design in the allotted time with an extra five minutes to go over my checklists and face charts. After my second assessment I thought I had completed the continuity test, and although looking exactly the same in closer inspection my nose cut was a slightly different angel and I wished I had noticed at the time.

 Finally my Estella design I was happy with the outcome although I think looking back I could have done a little more detailing in the hair, it still expressed the innocence I wanted it to, I think it could have been a little more cruel.

So to finally conclude, I feel I have been very successful and I have loved every second of this project, I have put in 110% and my images express that, so I am very happy. 

Monday 17 March 2014

Miss Havisham - Timed Assesment 2 Continuity

These are my final images Of my second timed assessment, which tested continuity. After viewing both photographs from the different times, i am very happy with the results, and i feel that i have managed to create a very very similar almost except replicate. 

Sunday 16 March 2014

Monday 10 March 2014

Estella - Mood Board

I have began to think about Estella now, and started creating a mood board. I have found inspiration from these "living" dolls they are very popular on Pinterest and the internet. They are very life like looking dolls mostly Lolita and Victorian style, may look innocent but they really do give me the creeps. I feel they really express Estella as a character, a "tainted innocent doll".

Estella hair Inspiration

So I have began my Estella designs, I have decided to go for a very young innocent looking Estella, I was going for her as young as 9-10. So I have been looking through innocent hair styles, I think I'm going to create a very long curled hair simple and two plates combing back the two front strands and pinning them at the back.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Miss Havisham - Timed assessment 1

So it came to my final timed assessment and I created my final miss Havisham using hair and makeup. 
My miss H has blotchy skin from illness and no sunlight from being in the house all the time and not washing, her skin is peeling away in places around her face from illness and her scratching at her own face. She throws herself down the stairs regularly and has broken her nose because of it has two black eyes, and red blood shot watering eyes, thick out of control eyebrows and chapped blue lips. 
She is rotting away trapped in her room in he dress with disgusting illnesses. I feel like she is my perfect creation I am so happy with the final outcome. I am looking forward to creating her again and testing my continuity skills when it comes to re creating her down to the final details.
She truly is horrible. 

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Miss Havisham - Timed assessment 1

So it came to my final timed assessment and I created my final miss Havisham using hair and makeup. 
My miss H has blotchy skin from illness and no sunlight from being in the house all the time and not washing, her skin is peeling away in places around her face from illness and her scratching at her own face. She throws herself down the stairs regularly and has broken her nose because of it has two black eyes, and red blood shot watering eyes, thick out of control eyebrows and chapped blue lips. 
She is rotting away trapped in her room in he dress with disgusting illnesses. I feel like she is my perfect creation I am so happy with the final outcome. I am looking forward to creating her again and testing my continuity skills when it comes to re creating her down to the final details.
She truly is horrible. 

Practise - Miss H

I have been practising on Neomi a few times with my new face chart, and also with my hair design of my messy bun and I am very happy with the results I feel like it conveys my nightmare Miss H, which I imagine when I read Great Expectations. 
I also timed my experiments and they took around an hour and a half which is perfect times for my assessment. 

Final Face Chart - Miss Havisham

So now I have created my final face chart of Miss H. The over all look is of a very damaged and ill victorian woman, It displays the sheer hideousness and true reality of what a woman in her state in this era would truly look like. 

I have started with blotchy skin using a bruise wheel to create a ill blotchy red tones throughout the face, hands,neck and chest. 
I then thickened and filled in the eyebrows. 
I created two black eyes using the bruise wheel
Then I used spiecal effect makeup to creat a broken nose using wax to make a cut and then to create flakey skin around the wound and eyes. 
Chapped skin around various places on the face using liquid latex and chapped lips. 
Then to finish it off I used a year stick to burn the eyes slightly to make them look blood shot and watery. 

Self Harm -Miss Havisham

I was thinking as to whether Miss Havisham would have self harmed to punish herself for not being good enough for her fiancĂ©e.  I was thinking about how my miss H, could instead of having loads, have more of a broken nose for throwing herself down the stairs in order to self harm and in order to get attention from Estella. 


First Face Chart - Miss Havisham

My first face chart displays my beginning ideas for miss Havisham using an extereme blotchy skin and black eyes and a monobrow, I also planned rope burns on the neck and slit marks on the wrists. 
I feel I could defiantly use this for my Miss Havisham, as it shows the dark side of the self harm and it's very extreme. 

Vlogging - First face Chart Miss H

Miss Havisham - Practice

Throughout my practise for Miss H, I decided to incorporate both blotchy skin and watering eyes. I have practised twice  now on Neomi and I have created some progess mood boards to explain her charecter. 

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Final Hair Practise -Miss H

my final hair practise went very well I created the messy back combed bun and pulled out strands and curled them to create a very messy but pretty hair look, that looks like it could have once been beautiful but has aged and become hideously dirty.