Thursday 23 January 2014

The Victorian Home

The Victorians where living through a domestic revolution, outside and inside their homes Britain was changing around them. Life at home for the Victorians was foul, dirty and unsanitary. I was intrigued by this after thinking about when Pip moved from the lower class up into a gentleman and how his environment around him must have changed dramatically.
So I began researching into a normal atmosphere of a Victorian home and watching clips and reading articles on the BBC. Here is a link so the research I found:

After reading this article I began to realise the extent of the dangers in Victorian everyday life, and why death was such an everyday thing for them. It kicked off me thinking about Miss Havisham and how decayed she must have been, from all these hazards she never left the house, wore the same clothes, and never washed. She truly must have stunk of a foul decaying creature, her skin would have many boils and sores all over it from uncleanliness and her hair were probably falling out. Not to mention her teeth which must have been rotting stubs. 

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