Thursday 23 January 2014

Mourning,The Woman In Black.

When in mourning in Victorian times women had to dress in a full black dress, with a black cap, long black veil, basically no skin showing and in all black. There were also strict mourning times; a woman would have to mourn for his husband for around 2 years, a family who lost a child for 9 months. As soon as death occurred, mourning began clocks would be stopped, curtains drawn and mirrors covered up, in great expectation Miss Havisham stopped the clocks at the time her husband to-be ran away, the curtains were drawn and her mirrors where infect broken much like she was in mourning over her own heart dyeing.  This reminded me of the “Woman in black” who was mourning her dead son, so I watched the woman in black and I realised it was also set in the same time period, I also spoke to my sister who has seen the stage production, she reminds me very much of a slightly more sinister version of Miss Havisham, as she is such mourning over her son she commits suicide and haunts Ell marsh House, every time someone living sees her a child in the near town dies in some kind of horrible accident. She seeks revenge by killing other people’s children because her child died much like Miss Havisham seeks revenge by making Estella break other people’s hearts because hers was broken.
The Woman In Black Trailer:

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